The Broken Man & The Broken Law

We hope you enjoy our Sunday morning services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. In this morning’s message we will see man breaking the law and God fulfilling it!

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.

The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come (Lesson 4)

Welcome to lesson 4 in our series entitled, “The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come”. You can listen to this lesson in audio format by clicking the link below.

You can watch the video lesson by clicking below.

We hope you enjoy our Wednesday evening series The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come. This is lesson 4. Tonight we will be looking at the Feast of First Fruits and the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost). You can view all of the lessons in case you have missed one by clicking on Play Lists on our main YouTube page and then choosing “The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come”.

The Walk to Emmaus

We hope you enjoy our Sunday evening services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. In this evening’s message we will examine the walk to Emmaus.

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.

Hearing the Voice of God

We hope you enjoy our Sunday evening services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. In this morning’s message we will will learn how God speaks to us through His Word and His Spirit.

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.

The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come (Lesson 3)

Welcome to lesson 3 in our series entitled, “The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come”. You can listen to this lesson in audio format by clicking the link below.

You can watch the video lesson by clicking below.

We hope you enjoy our Wednesday evening series The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come. This is lesson 3. You can view all of the lessons in case you have missed one by clicking on Play Lists on our main YouTube page and then choosing “The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come”. You can learn more about us by visiting our website at

An Effectual Fervent Prayer For Revival

We hope you enjoy our Sunday evening services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. In this evening’s message we will learn how to prepare ourselves to be used as instruments of prayer in order to see God rain down revival upon our nation.

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.

She Has Done What She Could

We hope you enjoy our Sunday morning services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. In this morning’s message we will challenge ourselves through God’s Word to answer the question, have we done all that we can do for the cause of Christ?

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.

The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come (Lesson 2)

Welcome to lesson 2 in our series entitled, “The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come”. You can listen to this lesson in audio format by clicking the link below.

You can watch the video lesson by clicking below.

You can also watch each of our lessons on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. Once on our YouTube channel just click on PLAYLISTS and choose The Feasts of the Lord & Things to Come.

My Prayer to the God of My Life

We hope you enjoy our Sunday evening services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. IIn this evening’s message we will see what David means when he speaks of praying to the God of his life.

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.


We hope you enjoy our Sunday morning services at the Calvary Baptist Church. We are located at 343 Big Hill Avenue in Richmond, Kentucky. We would love to have you visit us in person. In this morning’s message we see how the coming evil day will catch the earth’s inhabitants by surprise like a bird caught in a snare.

You can listen to the message in audio format by clicking the play button in the link below.

You can watch the video recording of this message in the link below.

You can also watch all of our services on our YouTube channel by clicking on Our YouTube Channel in the menu at the top of this page. While visiting our YouTube Channel be sure and help us out by clicking the subscribe button and subscribe to our channel. You can also help us out by giving us a thumbs up. All of this will help our visibility on the internet.